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School-enterprise cooperation | Teachers and students from Southeast University visited Chamlion
Release time:2022-08-31

More than 50 lecturers and students from Southeast University who are majoring in electronic science and technology visited Chamlion on August 26th to learn about the commercial use of 3D printing technology.

Sales Director Changtao Zhang led the students to visit the exhibition hall and the printing center and learned the working principle, development history, technical classification and industry application of 3D printing. Facing the practical application cases of 3D printing in medical dentistry, the students were very interested, they combined their own  knowledge to ask questions and discuss in depth.

Dr. Li, head of the Technology Department, shared with the students “The Application, Exploration and Practice of 3D Printing Technology in Oral Restoration”. Dentistry is one of the most mature fields of 3D printing applications. Through Dr. Li’s sharing, the students have a deeper understanding of how 3D printing technology, as an innovative technology, drives industrial changes.

At the symposium, Chamlion leaders talked about the future with teachers and students. The chairman of the company, Lin Wang, introduced the business field, development process and strategic planning of Chamlion to the visitors. He welcomes the students to join the company for internship and employment and encourages everyone to make their own career planning and find a platform to realize the value of life.

Afterwards, Qun Zhang, the deputy general manager, explained to the students the layout and development of Chamlion in overseas markets. He said that life choices are very important, and the first career choice can have a major impact on the path of life. Chamlion’s globalization development strategy has built a good development platform, which will provide everyone with a broad growth space and a forward-looking industry vision.

May the students of Southeast University and Chamlion grow together and create a better future!

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