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36 Kr launched | Focusing on dental 3D printing, Chamlion received 140 million yuan in Series A financing
Release time:2022-07-18

36 kr just discovered that Chamlion announced the completion of 140 million yuan in Series A fundraising, with Zhencheng Capital as the investor. According to reports, this round of funding is mostly being utilized for market growth and research and development of dental digital software and technology.

Chamlion is committed to digitizing the entire dentistry process. It has built distributed manufacturing cloud factories all over the world using Internet +3D printing technology, opened up the data design manufacturing process of denture processing, built a dental digital service platform, and provided 3D printing services for denture models, semi-finished goods, and finished products.

With the rapid development of the economy and the upgrading of consumer levels in recent years, oral health has gained increasing attention. According to The Lancet, almost 3.5 billion people worldwide suffer from oral disorders, and approximately 30% of adults aged 65 to 74 suffer from tooth loss, creating a massive market for prosthetics. However, despite the rising demand, traditional casting continues to dominate global denture manufacture, which is a labor-intensive business with a large share of labor expenditures. The personal experience of technicians greatly influences the quality of a casted product, and training an exceptional technician can take 8-10 years. As a result, the market is very fragmented, significantly limiting the industry’s growth on a wide scale.

Dental items, on the other hand, are highly tailored and fit to the characteristics of flexible manufacturing, making them a great application area for 3D printing. Chamlion has created distributed manufacturing plants all over the world in response to the specific needs of dentures and the high timeliness industry characteristics, while also integrating and innovating the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain.

Chamlion has successfully created a wide range of dental special metal 3D printers, DLP printers, and post-processing equipment for printing fixed dentures, moveable dentures, implants, clear braces, and other items. According to Chamlion’s data, the qualifying rate of printing items can reach 99.2% when using Chamlion’s exclusive 3D printing technology.

3D printing has only been developed in China for more than 30 years as an emerging industry, and the business needs mature skills. Chamlion currently has a digital design team of over 100 employees that can provide 3D model design services for items like dental crowns, partials, and transparent braces, as well as handle tens of thousands of order data at the same time.

Denture processing is a methodical and process-oriented job. As a result, Chamlion created the Chamlion Cloud Platform. As the central nervous system, the Chamlion cloud platform combines hardware, software, the design team, and other factors to establish a distributed manufacturing cloud factory. Users submit task requirements via the cloud platform, the digital design team creates 3D models online, and the cloud platform’s intelligent production scheduling system assigns printing tasks to the best cloud factory to complete semi-finished or finished product production before delivering the product to the user via the logistics system. Using semi-finished product printing as an example, it only takes 24 hours from the receipt of demand on the cloud platform to the delivery of the goods, demonstrating the digitalization and intelligence of the entire denture production process.

Chamlion’s 3D printing equipment has topped 600 installed capacity, and more than 130 cloud factories have been successfully built around the world, with daily output of 50,000 dental crowns and 5,000 moveable stents. Chamlion now works closely with Jiangsu Provincial Stomatological Hospital, Nanjing Stomatological Hospital, Yang Zijing, Jing Yuran, Widener, and other dental speciality institutions and head denture companies to provide denture products to 15 million people worldwide. The number of cloud factories in the world is predicted to approach 200 by the end of 2022.

Chamlion will continue to extend the cloud factory layout and invest in R&D in materials, equipment, software, and other aspects to construct a dental digital ecosystem in the future. Simultaneously, the company will broaden its product line to include invisible orthodontics, 3D printed implants, and surgical guidance.


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